Year: 2018

  • Focus on the big picture (morning routines are but a part of the puzzle)

    Focus on the big picture (morning routines are but a part of the puzzle)

    What gives you a more significant result? Increasing 100% of something by 1%, or increasing 5% of something by 10%? Aka, improving the whole by 1%, or improving a small subset by 10%? (For those a bit slow with their math, 1% of 100% = 1, whereas 10% of 5% = 0.5). The answer is…

  • Being self-aware when you’re irritated…

    Lately I’ve been working hard to understand why something irritates me, and then attempting to logically convince myself I don’t need to be irritated. So far I’ve learned that I get irritated a lot.

  • A flight is a great place for no distractions

    On my flight to Seattle and back, all I did was write; I have four articles lined up for now. There was wifi on the plane, but I never enable it. Planes are one of our last few “no distractions” zones we have left.

  • Network by being personal

    On a recent flight, I had about half a dozen articles open to read. As I read them, I noted who I thought may find it interesting. For example, there was an article on One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) and what transpired. I had talked to a few people about education in developing countries, and…

  • You shouldn’t give up, but you should most definitely quit

    You shouldn’t give up, but you should most definitely quit

    I’m a big fan of quitting. And when I say big fan, I mean if they sold one of those giant foam fingers and had “#1 at quitting” on it, I would be first in line to get it. The single most precious commodity you have is time. And the singular best way to free…