About Sol Orwell and Why SJO.com

Hi, I’m Sol.

This website is a bit of an experiment, as I use it as an outlet to talk about entrepreneurship and productivity/efficiency. I’ve been building websites since 1997, started making real money in 1999, and incorporated my first company in 2003 (in Canada we do not have LLCs). I’ve been in a multitude of industries – online games to domain names to local search to daily deals to nutrition to whatever else suits my fancy.

I did the entire digital nomad and passive income/four-hour-work-week in the mid-2000s, when I essentially retired and traveled around the US and Argentina for five years. I eventually got tired of moving around and ended up back in Toronto.

In the middle of 2015, an article went up on Forbes about me. Tim Ferriss then shared it, remarking “this man is living the four hour work week.” An onslaught of consulting, coaching, and mentorship requests ensued.

I have no desire for consulting. I have no desire to coach you. But I also realized that most people talking about entrepreneurship were full of shit. They had never experienced the true joy (aka the frustrations, the irritation, the exasperation) that is entrepreneurship. I was tired of the gurus selling people on survivorship bias. It was the blind leading the blind.

Furthermore, as an immigrant whose entire extended family was still living in the developing world, I also knew that it wasn’t just about “work hard” or “grind grind grind” or “believe in yourself” malarkey. And having a one-time launch of $50,000 does not make you a guru, nor does making $2k/mo from your websites make you a passive income genius, nor does getting 2000 visitors a day to your site make you some traffic genius.

Lastly, I’m very interested in leveraging what I’ve built to make an impact moving forward. My last charity event raised over $100,000 for local non-profits in Toronto.

I’ve done it for over 20 years now. I’ve generated over eight figures. I have websites that collectively garner over 200,000 visitors a day.

As a quick example,  Examine.com was recognized by Fast Company as a Top 10 innovative company in health and fitness in 2015. Men’s Fitness called me a Game Changer in 2014 (along with names like Stephen Colbert and Pharrell). Examine.com also got me on the advisory board of a certain Arnold Schwarzenegger, and also got me interviewed on Forbes. Examine.com itself garners around 70,000 visitors a day, and is a seven-figure business itself. Best of all, I have little to do with it – the team I’ve assembled runs it while I spend my time on projects like SJO.com.

And that’s why SJO.com came about – this is an outlet, not something to build up a cult or sell you a course. It’s a social responsibility to me – to pass on what I’ve learned due to all the opportunities I’ve had. I promise you – no consulting and no coaching from me. I also have a strict policy of no freebies or gifts (and definitely no books).

Feel free to say hi to me via my contact form or Facebook or Twitter. And be sure to join the SJO.com Family below – I ensure we only publish high-quality in-depth content here.

Oh, and another reason to join the SJO.com Family – I email (2-4x a month) on random thoughts of entrepreneurship, productivity, and more. They’re often a big hit, but not something I post on the site. So be sure to get on board for the exclusive content.

A(n incomplete) list of sites I’ve written for/been covered on:

  • Wikipedia
  • Forbes
  • FastCompany
  • Entrepreneur Magazine
  • Fortune
  • Inc
  • The Globe & Mail
  • Toronto Star
  • Men’s Health
  • Men’s Fitness
  • Muscle & Fitness
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger (I am an advisor for him)

and many more…

In early 2017 I noticed that people were searching about me on Google. A few examples:

So as a joke/test, I’ve decided to make pages on some of these pages. I’m super curious to see if they get any traffic, and what kind of reaction they get:

As of Sept 6 2017 – looks like people are searching for two new things. The latest:

So sure, two more pages to create:

Join the SJO.com Fam to stay up to date with the results…