Year: 2019

  • Mobile is 🔥

    Kinda crazy how fast it changed over.

  • Filtering opinions is critical

    I think one of the most important life skills now is filtering people’s opinions. Endless number of them, pretty few useful ones. Our recent SEO post generated ~700 comments across twitter, reddit, hackernews, and more. 95% of them were making assumptions that were just flat out wrong.

  • Don’t get knocked out of the game

    My buddy Phil dropped a great nugget recently – “Don’t get knocked out of the game.” As long as you have cash flow, you can buy yourself time. And the more time you can buy yourself, the more likelyhood you can figure it out.

  • Process > outcome

    Process > outcome. A solid process will yield above-average outcomes. Outcomes are dependent on a bunch of variables… but if your process is smart, you push the probability that you get the outcome you want higher.

  • There’s more to life than just the main characters.

    The Younger version of me was quite similar to the current version – incredibly curious about the world (particularly how it all worked – a big reason why I got an engineering degree), a motor mouth that never stopped running, and a streak of dickishness pervasive in all of it. When I was a kid,…