Year: 2019

  • How we leveled up the Cookie Off and ended up raising over $200,000…

    How we leveled up the Cookie Off and ended up raising over $200,000…

    The last ever Cookie Off is done (check out the pics). The #cookielife is now finished. When I first started planning the Cookie Off, I was in a bit of a bind – we had almost 40 competitors last year – so how was I going to top it? What I did was slightly downgrade…

  • Separate the signal from the noise.

    Yesterday I had the pleasure of listening to my buddies John Berardi and Phil Caravaggio converse with Jayson Gaignard about their entrepreneurship journey. First off, both are fantastic dudes. They are the literal personification of a CapitalistSuccessStory™ (bootstrapped business that had a 9-figure exit), but they also have the self-awareness not to think they are…

  • I was in Paris because of social media…

    Social media, to me, is not a place to make fans, but a place to make friends. ———— I was in Paris last week. My buddy Matthew N Kepnes posted a few months ago saying he was moving to Paris and if anyone wanted to visit him. “Sure, I’m in.” A few weeks before I…

  • The best advice is experience

    One of the best nuggets I’ve learned over the past few years is to NEVER give advice. Instead – talk about your experience in a similar situation (and how it played out). If you think about it, any advice you give is likely derived from something you learned. So talk about that instead, and let…

  • Don’t waste time setting up pre-populated tweets

    Pro-tip: Don’t waste time setting up ‘pre-populated tweets.’ I got an email from Groove last week about a new article they wrote. In the email they included a ‘handy pre-populated tweet.’ I checked 24 hours later. A total of 3 people had tweeted it out. There is an opportunity cost to EVERYTHING. That email went…