Year: 2019

  • Introversion does NOT mean “being shy”

    One of my bugaboos is that people often confuse introversion with shyness. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME. The simplest way to explain introversion: the need for space. That need for space can be for multiple reasons – for reflecting on one’s mental self, to restore energy “used” up during interactions, etc. That’s all it is…

  • Association matters

    You can glean a lot about someone by the people *they* recommend. Yikes.

  • Intelligence: arrogance and thoughtfulness rarely mix

    The smartest and most *thoughtful* people I know are some of the least arrogant. And some of the most arrogant people I know are those who are really smart in one area, and (incorrectly) think that makes them smart in other areas. And I frankly don’t trust them at all.

  • Simple example of NOT being lazy

    I talk about not being lazy – here’s a super simple example. I sent people some hotels for Cookie Off. Lazy: list them Not lazy: link them An extra 100s on my part saves everyone else time (not to mention as a local, Google localizes the results). Put in that little effort – it adds…

  • Think return, not absolute value

    I had a good friend of mine tell me he was quoted $x for something and that he was thinking it sounded expensive. Wrong way of thinking! It should NOT be about if it’s expensive or not. It SHOULD be about “do I get enough of a return?” It’s not about the absolute numbers but…