Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Don’t be irritating to your customers

    Companies that make you enter in your email AFTER you click on their unsubscribe link = trash. Don’t be trash.

  • Your brand is overrated to your consumers

    “Consumers care less about your brand than having their needs met” – TRUTH.

  • Your dog can teach you so much.

    My doggy turned nine yesterday. Two things to note: 1. Wow nine years is a long time. I got him after a tumultuous period in my life. This is pre- name change. Pre- Examine.com. Pre- becoming a hottie. It’s crazy how time flies AND how much can change. 2. At the park two days ago,…

  • Break bread.

    One person has a business which installs digital displays into residential elevators. Another spent over a year at senior homes to help develop their product. Another co-founded a YouTube channel featuring lavish cakes and boast over 3.5 million followers. Another co-founded the amazingness that is the DMZ (and was the creative director at the Sydney…

  • Your environment is VERY powerful

    Learned something pretty interesting yesterday… My lady’s been facilitating some workshops (that will become an exhibition) with some under-resourced youths. Most of them have had a seriously rough upbringing. A significant component of the exercise is to look into the future – what you think will happen, what you want to happen, how it will…

Got any book recommendations?