Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Labels that are self-limiting beliefs are the worst
To extend my thoughts on introversion yesterday, people really love placing labels on themselves in a self-limiting manner. Fat. Short. Lazy. Dumb. Introverted. And so forth. If there is an essential part of my ethos, it’s embracing the awesome. And instead of treating any label (that *I* am placing upon myself) as a limitation, I…
An example of just awful “networking”
I lament about how bad people are at networking. Well, here’s an example from last week: I’m in a fair number of slack groups. A few of them are marketing related, and occasionally people share a link or two of theirs. It’s an un-written rule that you only share stuff people would be interested in.…
Introversion does NOT mean “being shy”
One of my bugaboos is that people often confuse introversion with shyness. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME. The simplest way to explain introversion: the need for space. That need for space can be for multiple reasons – for reflecting on one’s mental self, to restore energy “used” up during interactions, etc. That’s all it is…
Association matters
You can glean a lot about someone by the people *they* recommend. Yikes.
Intelligence: arrogance and thoughtfulness rarely mix
The smartest and most *thoughtful* people I know are some of the least arrogant. And some of the most arrogant people I know are those who are really smart in one area, and (incorrectly) think that makes them smart in other areas. And I frankly don’t trust them at all.
Got any book recommendations?