Category: Reputation Management

  • Friendships can corrupt

    Friendships can corrupt

      In All the Stars, Kendrick Lamar raps: Motherfucker, I don’t even like you Corrupt a man’s heart with a gift That’s how you find out who you dealin’ with Kendrick has a great point – giving someone a gift lets you see what one truly stands for. After all, our politicians have legislated “legalized…

  • How our charity food offs evolved from raising $950 to over $100,000

    How our charity food offs evolved from raising $950 to over $100,000

      TL;DR recap (thanks to 647 Media):    Software evolves. Instead of developing the perfect piece of software, you release it, and then start iterating and improving based on feedback and issues you run into. It’s how my charity food offs have evolved: The first chocolate chip cookie off was 30 months ago amongst…

  • You shouldn’t give up, but you should most definitely quit

    You shouldn’t give up, but you should most definitely quit

    I’m a big fan of quitting. And when I say big fan, I mean if they sold one of those giant foam fingers and had “#1 at quitting” on it, I would be first in line to get it. The single most precious commodity you have is time. And the singular best way to free…

  • Use reputation management to say hello to your stalkers

    Use reputation management to say hello to your stalkers

    My last article, Reputation Management 101, covered the basic stuff. This article covers a bit of the more advanced stuff (and your chance to have fun with it). Do you know what people are looking up about you? I’ve always found it fascinating to see what Google’s autosuggest starts throwing out after you type in my name…

  • If you aren’t Googling yourself, you’re being an idiot

    If you aren’t Googling yourself, you’re being an idiot

    When was the last time you Googled yourself? Lets pretend you’re about to meet someone important, and you want to find out more information about them. One thing you’ll likely do is Google them – ya know, some background research. One of the things you likely did before meeting up with them was to google…