Category: SEO

  • Want to rank highly on Google? 3 simple steps on how to show EAT

    Want to rank highly on Google? 3 simple steps on how to show EAT

    The entire health/nutrition/wellness/fitness industry got its ass handed to it by Google earlier this week with a broad search algorithm update. The update primarily punished sites in the YMYL niche that had low EAT. YMYL – Your Money Your Life; any website that gives you advice on someone’s finances, health, or happiness. EAT: E –…

  • The Quick Thoughts Experiment…

    The Quick Thoughts Experiment…

    Have you seen Seth Godin’s What does it sound like when you change your mind? The thing is a monster. A beast of burden. A magnum opus. Just to ensure you realize I’m not overselling it, here’s a foto so you can see how gargantuan it is: 800 pages! 15 pounds! Big enough to squish…

  • If you aren’t Googling yourself, you’re being an idiot

    If you aren’t Googling yourself, you’re being an idiot

    When was the last time you Googled yourself? Lets pretend you’re about to meet someone important, and you want to find out more information about them. One thing you’ll likely do is Google them – ya know, some background research. One of the things you likely did before meeting up with them was to google…

  • How I made my guest post a massive success [CASE STUDY]

    How I made my guest post a massive success [CASE STUDY]

    I was so excited the first time I had a guest post go up. I could see it – the article would go up, people would read it, our work would be lauded, and voila – we would be swept up in the glitterati and the business would boom. The reality? The post went up,…