Category: Thoughts

  • The 2018 Annual Letter to the SJO Family

    The 2018 Annual Letter to the SJO Family

    Unless we take a moment to absorb what has happened to us and distill into knowledge we can apply for ourselves, we’ll be forever doomed to repeat our mistakes. So – I always take a moment to reflect on the past year to see what we did. I give you the third Annual Letter to…

  • Using negative space to figure out what you want

    Using negative space to figure out what you want

    If you’re interested in art, you’ll know of the concept of negative space – instead of drawing the subject itself, you draw the space around the subject to help bring the subject to focus. By drawing around the object, you help bring clarity to it. The infamous vase/two faces image is an excellent example of…

  • Don’t just share; build a narrative

    Don’t just share; build a narrative

    A friend of mine messaged me the other day; his company had been profiled on Forbes and he wanted to share it, but wanted to do it without sounding too “look at how amazing I am.” (He also admitted it was likely that he was overthinking it). Easy I said – just lead with a…

  • How to grow your network by hosting kick-ass dinners

    How to grow your network by hosting kick-ass dinners

    I stopped attending events in 2018. I took a step back and asked myself: why am I really attending events? If we’re honest with ourselves, the biggest value we get from an event is the (like-minded) people there and the conversations that occur. It’s rarely the speakers (you can find their talks on YouTube). It’s…

  • Be better: stop spreading misinformation

    Be better: stop spreading misinformation

    I’m legitimately torn as to what is more damaging – the people who take a few people’s opinions and blow it up as if it reflects a larger community… or the people who take these dumb clickbait articles and share them far and wide. If you’re complicit in sharing and spreading misinformation, are you not…