Category: Quick Thoughts
Cull hard.
I find culling to be one of the most important habits I have. Culling (Facebook) friends that no longer align with what I want. Culling habits that aren’t worth the time. Culling responsiblilities that don’t move the needle for me. If you’ve ever programmed it’s basically garbage collection for your life. The key truth is…
Simple pro-tip when doing email intros
Here’s a simple pro-tip – gmail collapses emails that have the same sender and subject line. So when sending out intro emails, make sure the subject is both distinct AND unique. Simple way: “Introducing XXX YYYY” #networking
Don’t be irritating to your customers
Companies that make you enter in your email AFTER you click on their unsubscribe link = trash. Don’t be trash.
Your brand is overrated to your consumers
“Consumers care less about your brand than having their needs met” – TRUTH.
Your dog can teach you so much.
My doggy turned nine yesterday. Two things to note: 1. Wow nine years is a long time. I got him after a tumultuous period in my life. This is pre- name change. Pre- Pre- becoming a hottie. It’s crazy how time flies AND how much can change. 2. At the park two days ago,…