Category: Quick Thoughts

  • Understand the WHY

    This post will: 1. Ostensibly appear to be a form of bragging and 2. In actuality is something I want you to mull over. Here’s the brag: I’ve sold 70 tickets for the Chocolate Chip Cookie Off (in just two weeks). And of the 70 tickets sold, 39 are non-Torontonians! That’s $35,000 for a 3-hour…

  • Pro-tip when hosting dinners

    One thing I’ve learned hosting dinners – often times you’ll go around and everyone will quickly introduce themselves and then ask for “something they need help with.” Here’s the thing – humans suck at asking for help. They can barely manage asking their own friends, but asking strangers for it? Yergh. So what I’ve started…

  • Optimize by adding friction

    I’ve been thinking a lot about FRICTION lately. We often focus on removing friction in order to optimize our lives. On the flip side, adding friction can also optimize your life. Case in point: disabling notifications on your phone (or better yet: removing social media completely from your phone). The added “friction” of having to…

  • Getting into a groove of dinners

    Getting into a nice groove doing dinners. What’s amazing is that by bringing people together, OTHERS love introducing you to others. My man Jayson Gaignard is doing a workshop on relationships at the beginning of April. One of the homework that people have to do is host a dinner of their own. To be self-indulgent…

  • Find your kind of people.

    Last year, I was in NYC hanging out with some cool peeps when Chris Brogan said something about “my kind of people.” That phrase struck me. And since then I’ve noticed that while I get to meet a lot of people, I bond best with “my kind of people.” For example – Mr. Weaver. I…