Category: Social Media

  • Dreams are for suckers; smart people aim for the inevitable

    Dreams are for suckers; smart people aim for the inevitable

    I had someone email me the other day and tell me that after reading this site, he was now chasing his dreams. He subsequently asked me how I was able to achieve mine. Don’t view what you want as dreams. Words have implicit associations with them. Dreams are something that are far off; something near…

  • If you aren’t Googling yourself, you’re being an idiot

    If you aren’t Googling yourself, you’re being an idiot

    When was the last time you Googled yourself? Lets pretend you’re about to meet someone important, and you want to find out more information about them. One thing you’ll likely do is Google them – ya know, some background research. One of the things you likely did before meeting up with them was to google…

  • Don’t let gurus sell you on survivorship bias

    Don’t let gurus sell you on survivorship bias

    I love this picture. It’s obviously an extreme, but it perfectly captures survivorship bias. Pray tell, what is survivorship bias? Survivorship bias is the logical error of concentrating on the people or things that made it past some selection process and overlooking those that did not, typically because of their lack of visibility. This can…

  • Be purposeful about social media

    Be purposeful about social media

    I always tell people I’m not cool. It’s not meant to be a joke – it’s a mantra. I’m here to have fun and experience what I want, not follow what seems to be trendy. I try to be judicious with my time, and social media falls into that realm – I am only on…