Author: Sol

  • You should always be obtaining user behaviour information from *multiple* sources

    This was via a combination of user tracking AND user feedback AND user interviews. We’re always evolving. We’re always trying to get user behaviour information wherever we can. You should be trying to do the same. Just look at the kind of comments it delivers:

  • Give credit wherever you can!

    I have said this before, and I will say it again: if there is anything you should do too much of, it should be “giving credit.” It is often MUCH appreciated by the person who is given credit, gives a public link to said person, and literally takes nothing away from you. No (wo)man is…

  • Small wins are the most important wins.

    I’m a big believer on small wins >>> big wins. Why? Because you’ll have 100x more small wins than big ones, and they slowly but surely reinforce better habits and thinking. Simple example today – was waiting in line at the bank, and this guy tried to cut because the next open teller was the…

  • Don’t over-engineer

    Biggest goal of 2020: don’t over-engineer. If someone isn’t quitting using your product/service, it’s not a top concern. (via Bob Moesta).

  • Hosting my first dinner in over a year

    It’s been over a year since I last hosted a dinner. But when my friend Sherry told me she was in town, I thought it time to bring ’em back. And then I found out my buddies Clay and Phil also in town, so double-bonus. It’s funny – I’ve realized more and more that the…