Category: #cookielife

  • #cookielife – how I convinced 200+ people to send me cookies and raised over $400,000 for charity

    #cookielife – how I convinced 200+ people to send me cookies and raised over $400,000 for charity

    The ad-hoc #cookielife, something that spawned out of friendly banter over on Facebook, resulted in over 200 people sending me cookies via the mail and also spawned my charity food offs, which raised over $50,000 for charity in 2017, then over $100,000 in 2018, and then finally, over $200,000 from the last ever Cookie Off.…

  • A “networking” case study: make friends, not connections

    A “networking” case study: make friends, not connections

    I’m not a fan of quotes, but this one from Steve Jobs is the truth: You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. Let’s take a break from theory and conjecture – I want to…

  • The 2017 Annual Letter to the SJO Family

    The 2017 Annual Letter to the SJO Family

    Most people reading this are likely psyched about the new year – excitedly planning and looking into the future. I believe it’s critical for all of us to take a moment to stop, breathe, and look back. Only then can we learn from our mistakes and modify our future behavior. I’d wager it’s more important…

  • Add a bit of salt to your life

    Add a bit of salt to your life

    I just received this crazy cookie about an hour ago: (As you can tell, photography is not my forte) I look at this monster (it’s 12 inches), and I think: oh shit, this is going to be hella sweet. And let there be no doubt – I have a sweet tooth. My birthday tradition includes…

  • A recipe on how to make your own giant Ferrero Rocher

    A recipe on how to make your own giant Ferrero Rocher

    I’m a collector of oddball hobbies. One of them is making giant chocolate bars. Twix, kit kat, peanut butter cup, and more, it’s been a pleasure making and sharing these monstrosities with my friends. My latest creation? A giant Ferrero Rocher. And if you’ve ever wanted to make one, I’m going to show you how.…