Category: #cookielife

  • How we leveled up the Cookie Off and ended up raising over $200,000…

    How we leveled up the Cookie Off and ended up raising over $200,000…

    The last ever Cookie Off is done (check out the pics). The #cookielife is now finished. When I first started planning the Cookie Off, I was in a bit of a bind – we had almost 40 competitors last year – so how was I going to top it? What I did was slightly downgrade…

  • How to grow your network by hosting kick-ass dinners

    How to grow your network by hosting kick-ass dinners

    I stopped attending events in 2018. I took a step back and asked myself: why am I really attending events? If we’re honest with ourselves, the biggest value we get from an event is the (like-minded) people there and the conversations that occur. It’s rarely the speakers (you can find their talks on YouTube). It’s…

  • How little social media metrics matter

    How little social media metrics matter

    I posted a video of our Charity Chocolate Chip Cookie Off last week: As I write this, it has: 3500 views 203 likes 40 comments 18 shares Those are not impressive numbers. 3500 views is a pittance. I know dozens and dozens of people who could post a video of them just walking down…

  • How our charity food offs evolved from raising $950 to over $100,000

    How our charity food offs evolved from raising $950 to over $100,000

      TL;DR recap (thanks to 647 Media):    Software evolves. Instead of developing the perfect piece of software, you release it, and then start iterating and improving based on feedback and issues you run into. It’s how my charity food offs have evolved: The first chocolate chip cookie off was 30 months ago amongst…

  • Auctioning off exclusive one-on-one access

    Auctioning off exclusive one-on-one access

    My Charity Chocolate Chip Cookie Off is on July 8 (for more info, see #cookielife). I’ve convinced five superstars who know their shit and who are not available for consulting to donate their time for charity. They are: Ramit Sethi. If you want to know how to lead a rich life, this guy is your…