Auctioning off exclusive one-on-one access

My Charity Chocolate Chip Cookie Off is on July 8 (for more info, see #cookielife).

I’ve convinced five superstars who know their shit and who are not available for consulting to donate their time for charity.

They are:

  • Ramit Sethi. If you want to know how to lead a rich life, this guy is your man. From personal finances to personal growth to side hustle to online biz, he’s done it all. Best of all, this is in-person and for two hours.
  • Brian Dean. Few guys are as knowledgeable about SEO as this guy. Honestly, if you have any content, this one is a no-brainer. Also in-person and two hours.
  • Amy Jo Martin. There’s a reason why she has over a million followers on twitter – she gets social media. You may have heard of some guy named “Shaq” – she’s why he started tweeting. An hour to pick her brain on how to maximize your impact via social media.
  • Jason Feifer. He’s just the editor-in-chief of Entrepreneur Magazine. If you want to learn how to effectively pitch and deal with the media, Jason is your man. An hour in-person to learn from a pro.
  • Ryan Holiday. Having written multiple bestselling books, Ryan is maven when it comes to writing, storytelling, and marketing strategy. If you want to understand how to connect with your audience and get them talking about your work, he’s the man for it. An hour to learn from a true professional.

Everyone who has auctioned off time is someone I would consider a friend. Someone I would turn to for help (and honestly, do). These aren’t people who talk a big game but have never done anything themselves – these are people who know their shit. And if you want to accelerate your success, getting one-on-one time with them is the way to make it happen.

Check it out: Chocolate Chip Cookie Off Auction.



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