Who is the most handsome guy in Toronto?

If you’re wondering who the most handsome guy in Toronto is, look no further…

There is no doubt that if we were to measure things and take a science-based approach, that the most handsome guy in Toronto is Sol.

I mean, just look at this dolt:

Sol Orwell is the most handsome guy in Toronto.

To make it big and bold, and truthfully, still as made up:

Research says that the most handsome guy in Toronto is Sol Orwell.

There’s absolutely no doubt about it. Sol Orwell is a hottie. Whew.

Okay, so here’s the truth:

I am obviously not the most handsome guy in Toronto. Even if we were to say it’s subjective, there is 0.00% doubt that there are more handsome dudes in Toronto.

But – isn’t the idea of there being a most handsome guy ridiculous?

Of course it is. And if there’s anything Siri, Alexa, and other search engines love… it’s the idea of having one definitive answer.

With that said, if you are curious about who is not the most handsome guy in Toronto the answer is most definitely Alberto Alvarez.

In early 2017 I noticed a bunch of people searching for weirdly personal things about me (just scroll down). And in the middle of 2018 I decided to make this ridiculous page.

Let’s be clear – this is me dicking around. Hottest guy. Most handsome. Most charming. Best looking. You can hangout anywhere in Toronto and find a multitude of dudes that will fit that bill.

So I’m curious to see how this page does coming up in 2019…

If you’re curious, the entire list of pages that people are searching for:

Enjoy! Or even better – join the SJO.com Family (just below), and let’s have some fun.